My Worst Fear
Heights. From looking off the edge of a canyon to creeping
out over the edge of the space needle. Ever
since I was young, I’ve always hated heights.
I could never rock climb, or at least get to the top, and whenever we
would go over bridges, I would have had to close my eyes. The only way to diminish my nerves is to
realize I am safe and will not fall over the edge. Now, sometimes that doesn’t work, where in
that case, I have a panic attack. Truly,
most of the time I am pretty nervous to look over the edge, but I still look
over and realize that I am safe and hopefully will not fall over. One time, actually over the summer, my family
was taking a trip to Seattle to visit my great aunt and uncle. We stayed in down town Seattle for 2 days and
one of those days, we ventured to the site of the space needle. So when we arrived, it honestly didn’t look
that tall. Right when you are about to
head up, you see all these facts of people that had to do with the Space
Needle. After the walk up a ramp, you
come to an elevator. You enter it and it
shoots you up. The whole elevator is
glass, so you can see all around you. Going
up for me was pretty freaky realizing how high you actually were. After the elevator stops, you walk out into a
circular room where you can walk out onto a ledge and look over. Well can I say, It was so high up. I was terrified. So after being up there for a good 20 minutes
looking over the edge, I was done. So there
you have it, I had looked over the edge of the space needle. I’ve always wondered what makes me so
terrified of heights, and till this day I still don’t know. Maybe it’s the fear of loosing my balance and
falling off or tripping and falling. Who
knows, I just hope its not the way I die.
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